Welcome to PRO TRAIN INC!
Our Pro Train Instructors are all specially trained active or retired Law Enforcement and Military. Each member of our team is committed to making Pro Train the most qualified and real-world proven police and military training company in the United States. A big part of Pro Train’s success comes from how our students feel when they leave our training. They return to their tour of duty feeling empowered, confident, and with a tactical mindset. This mindset is a direct result of the professionalism and expertise of our cadre of instructors.
Ron Hantz
President and CEO
Ron Hantz
Law Enforcement/Military/Legal Background:
Over 30 years of Active Law Enforcement Professional Employment
Career Milestones:
- Master Instructor Trainer for the Strategies & Tactics of Patrol Stops Officer Survival Program. (1 of 3 promoted to this status, out of nearly 4500 S.T.O.P.S Instructors in the United States).
- DPS Close Quarter Combat Instructor (certification through Black Belt Dr. Paul Whitesell)
- Taser International Instructor- for Taser Electronic Control Devices
- Def Tech Distraction Devices-Instructor
- Pressure Point Control Tactics (PPCT) - Instructor
- Defensive Tactics -Straight baton -Weapon Retention / Disarming techniques
- Standardized Field Sobriety Testing (SFST) - Instructor
- IACP Drug Recognition Expert
- Safe and Legal Traffic Stops (SALTS) - Instructor
- Less than Lethal Deployment Instructor Def-Tech - Instructor
- Def Tech Chemical Agent Aerosol (CN/CS/OC) - Instructor
- Def Tech Chemical Munitions - Instructor
- MarTac Tactical Physical Tactics Instructor
- Use of Force Expert Witness (utilized in Federal and State Courts, and Department Discipline Hearings)
- Police Tactics and Traffic Stops Expert Witness
- NRA Pistol Instructor
- Vice President of Mishawaka Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 96
STOPS Instructor Trainers
Sanford Swanson
Law Enforcement/Military/Legal Background:
Active Law Enforcement Professional since January 2006
Career Milestones:
STOPS Instructor since 2010
Pro Train STOPS Instructor Trainer since 2015
LETB Physical Tactics Instructor
LETB Firearms Instructor
Certified TASER Instructor
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Guest Instructor 2010-Present
Special Response Team Member 2018-Present
Use of Force Expert Witness
Travis Shively
Law Enforcement Background:
Active Law Enforcement Professional since October 2002
Career Milestones:
SWAT Operator/Team Leader - 2011-2019
K9 Handler – 2011- Present
Stops Instructor 2010 - Present
Pro Train Instructor Trainer - 2019 - Present
Patrol / Training Sergeant – 2017 - Present
LETB Physical Tactics Trainer – 2009 - Present
LETB Firearms Trainer – 2020 – Present
Certified Use of Force Instructor – 2020 - Present
Board Member, Northeast Indiana Law Enforcement Training Council – 2019 - Present
Gordie Allen
Law Enforcement Background:
- New Haven Police Dept. 05/2006-11/2013
- ILEA Grad Class 06-166
- Warsaw Police Dept. 11/2013-Current
Career Milestones:
- STOPS Instructor 2009
- Physical Tactics Instructor 2011
- Patrol Corporal 2015
- Taser Instructor 2017
- Patrol Sergeant 2017
- Field Training Coordinator 2017
- In-service Training Coordinator 2017
- LETB Senior Instructor 2019
- SWAT Team Leader 2019
- STOPS Instructor Trainer 2019
- Patrol Lieutenant 2020
- Force Science Certification 2020
- GST Level 1 Instructor 2021
- GST Level 2 Instructor 2023
Darren Johnson
Law Enforcement Background:
Active Law Enforcement Professional since December 2007
Career Milestones:
Indiana Law Enforcement Academy Graduate – August 2008 Class 08-173
LETB General Instructor
Pro Train STOPS Instructor since October 2011
Promoted to the rank of Sergeant October 2016
Pro Train STOPS Instructor Trainer since October 2021
LETB Defensive Tactics Instructor since August 2022
Graduate of IMPD’s Leadership Academy Class 2022-02 November 2022
Field Training Officer & Field Training Program Manager
Hostage/Crisis Negotiator w/ Multi-Agency SWAT Team
Anthony Ferrarini
Law Enforcement Background:
Cadre Course Instructors
Jim Bontrager
Law Enforcement Background:
Full-time Chaplain (former reserve officer) with the Elkhart Police Department in Elkhart, Indiana
Career Milestones:
Diplomate Chaplain credentials with the International Conference of Police Chaplains (ICPC)
2012 Wilbert A. Cunningham Award for Excellence in Law Enforcement Chaplaincy
2013 Excellence in Leadership Award from Pointman Leadership Institute
2016 recipient of the Richard S. Kassel Award
2017 recipient of the the Pilsung Warrior Award
2018 recipient of the John A. Price Excellence in Chaplaincy Award
Appointed a Sagamore of the Wabash by Indiana Governor Mike Pence in 2015
President-Elect of the International Conference of Police Chaplains
Former National Board Member with the Fellowship of Christian Peace Officers – USA
Author of the official law enforcement curriculum for the movie Courageous.
State certified Law Enforcement Instructor as well as an instructor with the ICPC.
Founder/director of Warrior on the Wall, which works to address law enforcement suicide, family breakdown, and the unique emotional/ spiritual challenges to the profession.
Sun Tzu & The Art of Warrior Resiliency Mindset
Tim Cain
Master of Laws in International Business and Trade – LL.M.
John Marshall Law School, Chicago, Illinois
Master of Business Administration – M.B.A.
Indiana Wesleyan University, Marion, Indiana
Juris Doctor – J.D.
Valparaiso University School of Law, Valparaiso, Indiana
Bachelor of Arts – B.A.
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
Career Milestones:
LaGrange County Prosecutor 1991-2002
Reserve Deputy Noble County Sheriff’s Department 2007-2016
LETB Master Instructor
Over 100 jury trials; won over 90%
Member, LaGrange County Sheriff’s Merit Board 2009-2015
Criminal/traffic law instructor, Indiana Law Enforcement Academy 2016-present
Understanding Police Use of Force - The Real Rules
Brad Keller
Law Enforcement Background:
Active Law Enforcement Professional since May 1999
Career Milestones:
Emergency Response Team 2002 - Present
Mechanical & Ballistic Breach Instructor 2017 - Present
Stops Instructor 2002 - Present
Pro Train Instructor Trainer - 2019 - Present
Taser Instructor 2017 - Present
LETB Physical Tactics Trainer – 2002 - Present
Certified Harley Davidson Police Motorcycle Operator
Desert Snow Member 2007 - Present
National Criminal Enforcement Association Member 2004 - Present
Board Member, National Criminal Enforcement Association – 2014 – Present
Criminal Interdiction Instructor
Undercover Operations
Narcotics Investigations
Criminal Investigations
Currently serving as Patrol Captain for city department, Indiana
Public Information Officer 2019 - Present
Adjunct Professor, Criminal Justice, Grace College
Bachelor of Science, Criminal Justice, 2005
STOPS Tactical Criminal Interdiction
Tactical Counter Ambush - Wooden Terrain
Pro Train Staff Cadre
- Vice President & Operations Director
- Curriculum & tactical course editor
- Curriculum & tactical development officer for female instruction
- Marketing and media developer and advisor
-Sales and back office director
Update information coming soon
Enrollments are online and available
Nationally Accredited Training Courses